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Delight your customers with a faster, simpler site search experience

We built our own proprietary AI search engine to deliver incredible results at scale so you can provide your customers with a fast, accurate, and smart on-site search and discovery experience.

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Screenshot of a ecommerce app using search.ioScreenshot of a ecommerce app using
Screenshot of a ecommerce website using search.ioScreenshot of a ecommerce app using
Screenshot of a website using search.ioScreenshot of a ecommerce app using
Screenshot of a website using search.ioScreenshot of a ecommerce app using
Powering billions of queries on more than a thousand sites

Less setup, better outcomes pioneered the use of reinforcement learning to optimize search result ranking to maximize performance. More recently we released the world’s first instant AI search engine. This is real AI search — delivered in the blink of an eye and scaled globally for you on demand.

Neuralsearch®: The world’s first instant AI site search

Misspellings and incorrect terminology (“vertical” vs “upright”) are not a problem

Concepts over keywords. Neither search term is included on the website, but the intent is still understood

Answer question style queries. No synonyms, rules stopwords or other hacks needed.

Great results - no matter how visitors construct their search query.

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Neuralsearch® uses proprietary AI search technology to deliver amazing results in milliseconds — remove the need to write synonyms, rules, or other hacks. It just works and saves your team time and effort while delivering an incredible user experience for your customers.

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Turn queries into conversions

15 seconds. That's the average time spent on a website. That's all you have to convert a visitor into a customer. With, we not only make it possible, we make it easy with features such as:


See how a $1B+ GMV marketplace with over 2 million products used dynamic boosting to increase their search conversion rate more than 40% and generate millions in extra revenue with over 100x return on investment (ROI).

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World-leading features in a few clicks

Historically search has been either painfully complex to configure, or frustratingly simplistic. Not any more. puts the most advanced search relevancy settings available today at your fingertips. You can even see your changes update search results live in real-time. A/B test or push your changes live in seconds.


One of the world's largest rental companies improved their lead performance over 17% with better natural language processing for search.

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Improve customer loyalty with better experiences

Design a great search experience for your customers with ease. Drag and drop an amazing UX in minutes or build on our powerful open-source search UI components. Great for your customers; great for your conversion rate. Features include:


ServiceNSW saw a 50% reduction in query rewrites and 9% increase in online transactions.

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sites run

We power search for everyone — from small businesses to some of the world’s largest enterprises.

YoY query growth

We’re growing fast, but we have still have plenty of room to grow.

requests / month

No limits. We scale with the biggest of the biggest already. Millions of product pages and sudden spikes in traffic are no problem.

updates / sec

We are the only search technology supporting full upserts. Your updates are instantly live in milliseconds, no matter the scale.


The average speed at which queries are returned. Faster than the blink of an eye. The worlds first instant AI search.

Search as a service solutions

We power billions of API requests each month so you can focus on growing your business.

Site Search

Full-text site search solutions can be up and running in minutes using our crawler.

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Deliver a better customer experience and more revenue for your online commerce business.

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Search API

Build custom search solutions with REST and client library APIs and UI components.

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“ has created a great product that's powerful and easy to use. Most importantly, the team provide exceptional customer service and are always happy to listen to your requirements and answer any questions.”

Paul Bowen
Solution Architect
We’re in the business of improving your business.
Get started today.