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Government site search that's easy to build and relevant to users

Lighten your team's busy workload with a world-class public-use information search that's simple to build, quick to deploy, and relevant to your users.

A complete platform

A few minutes is all it'll take to roll out powerful search functionality to any government site or across multiple domains. The process is straightforward and, thanks to continuous indexing, your site will be up-to-date all the time.

Instant indexing

No more dealing with the fallout from a search index that takes too long to catch up to your content updates.'s instant indexing technology does away with old school periodic recrawls. Now, edits and new pages are added to your search index immediately.

Hosted search

Eliminate time-consuming search maintenance. Our site search engine is fully hosted and built on elastic infrastructure that scales automatically to meet customer demand. There's nothing for your team to manage. It just works.

Document search

Help visitors find exactly what they need in no time. can index all your documents, including PDFs and DOCX-formatted publications, making all your site content available to users.


Make all your content searchable for visitors with's RESTful API and SDKs. Index dynamic page content with our built-in website crawler or connect via the API. React and Javascript libraries are also available for even more custom design and integration on your site.

Search that keeps getting better

Keep users happy and your support queue down. Despite the vast accumulation of content on government sites,'s web crawler can be up and running in minutes and pinpoint the exact content that citizens are looking for.

Always stay relevant with instant indexing

Give your users a comprehensive and unified search experience. Index information across one or multiple sites and domains to create a single, federated search experience.

Identify trends early with insightful search analytics

You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Reduce time spent dealing with support requests and ensure users quickly find what they are looking for with insightful, built-in metrics. Search analytics can improve visitor experience by helping you discover what searches lead visitors to individual pages and reveal searches with poor results.

Optimize search and boost content with relevance settings

Use relevance settings to help define content importance while allowing machine learning to hone in on the optimal result ordering for every visitor. No fuss, no time-consuming maintenance, just relevant results.

Search integrations works seamlessly with Drupal and can be integrated into any government IT environment.
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Read how the Australian Institute of Family Studies implemented and improved stakeholder satisfaction.

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Less hassle: more relevance. Find out how we can make it work wonders for you.