Sajari is now! Learn about our new name and product announcement here.

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Help build the future of search

We want to enable every company to build smart site search and discovery solutions. Businesses of all sizes — from tiny owner-run businesses to large multinationals and government agencies — use to deploy high performance search to drive more revenue, improve customer experience, and grow their business online.

The opportunity

Google and Amazon’s business models are built on search. But, most companies aren’t like Google or Amazon — they can’t afford to hire thousands of search engineers and data scientists. We’ve set out to level the playing field for the tens of thousands of global businesses looking to build a better user experience through search.

An AI company that does search — or a search company that does AI?

We pioneered the use of machine learning in search technology. Our approach to reinforcement learning has even been referenced by Walmart and Amazon! Our Neuralsearch® technology is way ahead of our competitors and we have even more on the way.

Great people

We not just looking for smart or ambitious people; we’re looking for people who challenge us and themselves to grow, who are individual contributors and team players, and who put customers first.

How we work

10 - 2 - 1

As a company — across all teams — we work in lockstep each quarter to plan and execute. We call it 10 - 2 - 1. We spend two weeks planning, ten weeks executing, and one week working on pet projects or anything we wanted to do but didn’t have time for.

Hey, buddy

It’s always a bit nerve-wracking when you start a new job, but we try our best to make it a little easier with our buddy system. We’ll pair you up with someone in the company to help you onboard and get you settled.

Work from anywhere

People can work from home or office. In Australia, we have an office in Sydney for folks to collaborate or just hang out. In the US, our team is more scattered, but there are a core group in the San Francisco Bay Area that get together for lunch and co-working regularly.

More perks

Time doesn’t grow on trees

During summers we take half-day Fridays, everyone gets to take their birthday off, and there's plenty of time set aside for vacation and holidays with friends and family. Flexible work practices benefit everyone and inspires great work!

Stay healthy

We want you and your family to stay healthy. That's why we offer premier health plans for our US employees and generous family leave for non mom's and dad's.

Get set up, go

From company equity (stock options) ,to 401k matching, to a generous allowance to build your own work station and lots in between, we are trying to make the best place to grow your career.

Aiming for 50/50

We are a proud participant in Project F’s Program 50/50 diversity and inclusion initiative, which aims to achieve a more balanced and equitable workforce by closing the gender gap on technology teams.

Program 50/50
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We’re in the business of improving your business.
Get started today.