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Enterprise Edition

Unlock enterprise performance

Step up to enterprise scale and flexibility. Get the same ease-of-use and capabilities of our self-service edition with the added scale, deep customization, reliability, and service you’d expect from an enterprise-grade product.

Incredible results, effortlessly delivered

Fast-track your KPIs with incredible search results and search performance from the world’s first instant AI search platform.

Deliver with Neuralsearch®

Get 10x better results without having to manage rules, keywords, or synonyms. Neuralsearch is instant AI search that understands the meaning of queries and delivers relevant results fast — before your customers can lift their fingers from the keyboard.

Recapture your time

It’s a win-win: Give your customers a better search experience and ease of self-service while freeing up your valuable resources to do more. Gone are the days of hundreds of manually maintained rules to deliver accurate results. Get your people back to focus on your core business and put search to work for you.

World-class search in minutes

With, any organization can set up and configure world-class search in minutes, and then optimize search results to meet their business needs. So configurable, it’s like having a thousand search engineers at your fingertips.

Performance and scale without compromise Enterprise is a multiplier for our customers, often exceeding 100x ROI and millions of additional dollars in revenue through intelligently engineered and massively scalable search.

requests / month

No limits. We scale with the biggest of the biggest already. Millions of product pages and sudden spikes in traffic are no problem.

updates / sec

We are the only search technology supporting full upserts. Your updates are instantly live in milliseconds, no matter the scale.


The average speed at which queries are returned. Faster than the blink of an eye. The worlds first instant AI search.

Reliable and secure

Trusted by some of the biggest companies in the world, helps you sleep better at night knowing that the service is ready, reliable, and secure.

99.95% SLA

Uptime guaranteed so you can sleep better at night and focus on your organization’s objectives during the day.

Security and compliance

Get access to audit logs and usage data with years of historical records including every API request.

High availability and redundancy

Deliver search to your customers in one or more regions with high availability and low latency results.

Access control

Manage roles and permissions so you know exactly who is coming and going. With five different permissions levels, you get complete control over how users interact with your site.

Our team is your team

Our team of search engineers and data scientists are here to help every step of the way.


Get dedicated support and customer success management from our team of search experts and data scientists.

White glove

This isn’t our first rodeo. We know how to gather requirements to ensure we have everything you need to get up and running smoothly.

Data science

Don’t have an in-house data science team? Optionally, leverage our data scientists to analyze your data and help optimize your search performance.

What are you waiting for? Get in on the action