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Search api

A Search API that’s simple to add and scales seamlessly

Add reliable, intelligent search to your mobile or web application.'s advanced search platform and search APIs offer unfailing uptime, a fast, responsive search, and insightful analytics.

Need intelligent search? This will only take a moment

Add reliable and responsive search to your web and mobile applications in minutes. Through's RESTful APIs, you can be up and running in no time, leaving you free to develop your business.

Machine-learning that listens

Deliver a search experience that is great from the get-go and always improving. Built-in machine learning automatically adjusts search ranking based on user behavior to create an exceptional user experience.

Tweak and test with easy algorithm customization

Achieve your key metrics by easily fine-tuning or A/B testing the search algorithm to improve search success. A real-time preview allows you to tweak new configurations before pushing them into production.

Get ahead of the game with insightful analytics

Understand and monitor user behavior to develop even more relevant and reliable results. Use search analytics to lift the lid on search trends, poorly performing keywords, searches that led your users to individual results, and content users are searching for but can't find.

A complete platform

Fully hosted search service

Go ahead and save yourself time. is a cloud-native application that is fully hosted, so there's nothing for you to manage or maintain.

Instant indexing

Stay relevant and keep content up-to-date with our instant indexing technology. No more waiting for periodic updates — edits and new pages are added immediately.

Add features intuitively

Easily add UI elements users expect — instant search, auto-complete, spell checking, and more — with only a few keystrokes in the pipeline editor.

Scales to meet demand

Battle-tested at more than 1000 queries/second, is ready to meet your users' demands anytime.

Libraries for app developers offers official API libraries for different programming languages freely available to help you integrate search easily for your applications.

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Introduce intelligent search to your site seamlessly in minutes.