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Generate more  revenue with smarter search on CommerceTools

Add fast AI-powered smart search to your CommerceTools site in minutes to boost conversions and revenue.

Powering billions of queries on more than a thousand sites

Generate more revenue

Leverage your own site’s click stream data to build an intelligent feedback loop. Built-in continuous reinforcement learning knows which results drive conversions to promote the best results to the top, even when personalizing results for each user.

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Instant indexing is continuously indexing your product pages. Changes to pricing, product names, or product descriptions are updated instantly so you never lose an opportunity.

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Design the perfect search

Give users a captivating search experience that will boost conversions, nurture brand loyalty and keep them coming back.'s comprehensive website search platform gives you everything you need to easily design smart search interactions.

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Built with Neuralsearch®

Neuralsearch® is our own proprietary search technology to deliver amazingly relevant results in milliseconds. It eliminates much of the hard work previously required to make search work well. For instance you no longer need to add synonyms, complex search rules, keyword stuff titles, or plug-in additional language packs.

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Smart merchandising

Deliver curated results to delight customers. Boost results based on rules you’ve set and curate products or offers to display at the top of search results and dynamic catalog pages.

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Case study

Find out how Catch, one of Australia’s largest online retailers, optimized its site and app search using's machine learning-driven search solution to display more relevant products, boost conversion rates, and increase profit.

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Put Commerce Tools search into overdrive