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Instant relevance, incredible results

Neuralsearch® is our own proprietary search technology to deliver amazingly relevant results in milliseconds. It eliminates much of the hard work previously required to make search work well. For instance you no longer need to add synonyms, complex search rules, keyword-stuff titles, or plug-in additional language packs. Neuralsearch gives you incredible relevance, out-of-the-box, delivered in milliseconds.

The average speed at which queries are returned. Faster than blinking.
more relevant
Amaze customers with incredible results out-of-the-box.
less effort
No rules, synonyms, or keywords to manage. Get your time back.

Misspellings and incorrect terminology (“vertical” vs “upright”) are not a problem

Concepts over keywords. Neither search term is included on the website, but the intent is still understood

Answer question style queries. No synonyms, rules stopwords or other hacks needed.

Great results - no matter how visitors construct their search query.

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Redefine what’s possible

Neuralsearch will completely change what you thought possible. Neuralsearch is instant AI search with almost no information loss. The meaning of queries is understood and the most relevant results are returned before your customers can even lift their fingers from the keyboard.


Neuralsearch goes beyond keywords to actually understand the meaning of queries, including concepts and questions.

Minimal effort, incredible results

There’s no rules to write, no synonyms to create, and no hacks needed. With, your team can focus on building a great business instead of wrangling site search algorithms and rules.

Optimize with a click

Adjusting results is as easy as a click of a button. No rules to write, no data models to create. Get your time back to build your business.

Milliseconds matter

Neuralsearch is the worlds first instant AI search service. It's not only the most intelligent search you’ve ever seen, but it's also 500x faster than other AI search. No compromises.

What is Neuralsearch®? And how does it work?

Relevance is hard. AI relevance is really hard. AI search relevance in single digit millisecond query times and at scale was unheard of — until now.

Neuralsearch is built on our own proprietary neural hashing technology. Sometimes called deep hashing due to its use of deep neural networks, neural hashing essentially uses neural networks to hash vectors or text. This technique retains the accuracy of existing AI models, yet compresses to 90% less space and can be queried 500x faster than vector-based search. Download our technical whitepaper to learn more.

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Introduce intelligent search to your site seamlessly in minutes.