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Google Custom Search Engine

Google has changed the way they run their Custom Search Engine. From April 2018 onwards, Google CSE began displaying ads on search results, which means ads of your competitors could be shown to your users on your site! Take control of your search experiences and deliver the most relevant search results without ads.

From April 2018 onwards, Google CSE began displaying ads on search results, which means ads of your competitors could be shown to your customers on your site! Don’t panic. is a fully featured, easy to deploy site search that gives you all the features you’ve come to love from Google Custom Search Engine (GCSE) and more ad-free!

All the GSCE features includes everything you’d expect from a great search engine including:

  • Fast and relevant search results
  • Result biasing and removing URLs using meta information
  • Spelling correction, autocomplete, suggestions, related queries and synonyms
  • Easy responsive interface creation; mobile friendly out-of-the-box
  • Indexes a wide range of document types including PDFs and DOCs
  • Filters and facets to drill down into search results
  • Supports multiple domains and subdomains

Incredible search relevance

Neuralsearch® is our own proprietary search technology to deliver amazingly relevant results in milliseconds. It eliminates much of the hard work previously required to make search work well. For instance you no longer need to add synonyms, complex search rules, keyword stuff titles, or plug-in additional language packs. Neuralsearch gives you incredible relevance, out-of-the-box, delivered in milliseconds. 

Concepts over keywords 

It’s time to ditch synonyms, keyword stuffing, and search hacks. Keywords are great clues but the context is far more important. Neuralsearch teams up with keywords to understand the meaning of queries, without needing synonyms or rules.  

Teach relevance

If you have an exception that Neuralsearch doesn't understand, that's no problem, you can click to train it what is relevant for you. You won’t need it most of the time, but it’s there when needed. 

Spelling & synonyms dynamically creates spelling probability models based on your data and customer queries, but also supplements this with conceptual relevance as mentioned above. 

Milliseconds matter

Amazon once studied the impact of latency on revenue and it was profound, about 1% for every 0.1 seconds of latency. is the worlds first instant AI search service with an average query time less than 0.01 seconds — easily inside the human comprehension of instantaneous.

Performance and scale without compromise Enterprise is a multiplier for our customers that routinely exceeds 100x ROI and millions of additional dollars in revenue through intelligently engineered and massively scalable search. 

Powerful reinforcement learning

Leverage your own site’s click stream data to build an intelligent feedback loop. Built-in continuous reinforcement learning knows which results drive conversions to promote the best results to the top, even when personalizing results for each user.

Optimize for success

Whether you define success as clicks, signups, conversions, transactions — or all the above — will continuously improve results to deliver on your business goals, even while you’re sleeping. 

Constantly adapting

Stay on top of changing trends and deliver relevant results that your customers are looking for. Reinforcement learning constantly adapts to the changing priorities in your users’ lives and ranks search results accordingly.

Algorithm customization

You have complete control over the built-in learning. Tweak results until they’re perfect and watch the impact on your conversion rate! Fine-tuning your search algorithm is incredibly fast and easy, with a search ranking preview that updates as you type.

The last word

Nullam et imperdiet erat. Pellentesque quis imperdiet mi. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean quis fringilla felis. Nullam maximus justo vel est maximus, faucibus congue dui lacinia. Mauris accumsan leo et libero volutpat blandit. Integer cursus ac libero ut vestibulum. Praesent aliquam leo ac scelerisque dictum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam id mi et dolor efficitur efficitur id id nulla. In congue aliquam erat, id ultrices lectus consectetur eu. Fusce vitae magna diam.

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