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New: Exploring Your Search Data

Jens Schumacher
May 7, 2020

Tracking your users' behavior on your site helps you understand what they are doing. But imagine you had the opportunity to greet every single one at the door and ask them what they are looking for.

That’s essentially what you are doing by implementing a search on your website. Today we are making it easier to analyze what your users are telling you with a number of powerful analytics improvements.

We consolidated our various screens into a few dedicated analytics dashboards, each with a specific purpose.


This high-level view is generally the starting place for any analysis. The trends page shows your overall search volume, click-through rate, top searches, and recent unexpected trends.

Search volume is a good indicator of overall traffic and tells you how many people use the search on your site. Click-through rate helps you understand how effective your search is and whether you have the right content.

The top searches and unexpected trends show your users' intent. This is an important list to keep an eye on. If people's interest changes, so will the list of top searches. It’s a great indicator that you might have to add additional content to your website or stock new products in your ecommerce shop.

Content issues

The next level down is the Content issues dashboard. It lists popular queries that had low click-through rates or didn’t yield any results. This is not a problem, it’s an opportunity! It highlights areas where content might be missing or where the terminology used by the users doesn’t match the language of your business. Once identified, you can make improvements by adding more content, or products or adjusting your search settings with additional synonyms or promotions.


Whether it’s a popular query or one with low click-through rates, it’s really helpful to understand how a query performed over time.

The explore dashboard does exactly that. It allows you to see often users searched for a particular query and how the click-through rate has changed over time. If you made improvements to resolve content issues you’ve discovered, you can monitor the impact of those improvements on the explore page.

It also shows the exact pages and products a particular query lead to, and how confident Sajari’s machine learning algorithm is that these are the right pages to surface the next time a user searches for that particular query.

Slicing and dicing

On all of the above Dashboards, you will now find the following filters which allow you to slice and dice your data.

Pipeline filter

Sajari allows for running different Pipelines (think of them as configurations of your search algorithm) at the same time. The pipeline filter allows you to view the analytics for each pipeline and evaluate whether one performs better than the other. It’s A/B testing for your search!

Date filter

We added a more flexible date filter. In addition to pre-defined date ranges, you can now view your analytics data for a specific date range.

View by

When looking at longer date ranges, viewing the data by day makes it harder to identify trends. We now support groupings by day, week, and month to help you better analyze data over longer periods of time.

With these new features it’s now even easier to understand exactly what your users are searching for, whether they are finding what they need, and most importantly, take action to improve the search experience for your customers.

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