Sajari is now! Learn about our new name and product announcement here.

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Sajari Has a New Name: Introducing

Hamish Ogilvy
December 9, 2021

Sajari is now We’re changing our name, but our mission is the same: To enable every organization to build smart search and discovery experiences.

The name is only one of today’s announcements. We’re also introducing our new groundbreaking technology, Neuralsearch®, which you can read about on its own blog.

Both the new name and the new Neuralsearch upgrades have been in the works for more than a year. We felt we couldn’t release one without the other.

Some background

Site search software has been around for more than two decades, but is still for the most part dominated by a family of search products built on an open-source project called Lucene. Lucene spawned Elasticsearch and Solr, and many other search companies were built on top of those three open source projects.

We went a totally different route and built entirely from scratch. We wanted to be free from some of the baked-in tradeoffs of older technology; we felt we could better take advantage of the enormous changes in machine learning and compute infrastructure since Lucene’s inception long ago! It needed to be very fast, support real-time index updates (as opposed to immutable indexes), use a distributed service architecture for efficiency and scalability, and it needed to be designed with machine learning and AI capabilities at the core. The goal was always to support more embedded machine learning — and today this approach is paying dividends.

Today, some of the largest companies in the world and more than a thousand sites use our search. We’ve served hundreds of billions of API requests, soon to exceed a trillion. We not only survived the last 18+ months of the pandemic, but the company has doubled its headcount and query volumes continue to break records month after month.

We get asked a lot where the old name came from. We landed on the name “Sajari” because it sounded different, it was only 6 letters and the domain and all the various internet accounts were also available. It was postulated that it meant “to learn” in another language which obviously fitted us perfectly, but we later found that was actually untrue!

While it was unique and served us well, we wanted a name to disambiguate our mission and the pronunciation. We also wanted everyone to stop referring to us as “Safari” (thanks spell checkers!). With our new name and the release of the world's first instant AI search, we will continue to innovate and redefine the standard of performance for search technology.

Moving forward

Along with the name, we have overhauled our brand look and feel. Changes to the company brand will eventually find their way into the product. For now, to minimize disruption, we’ve only updated the logo inside the Sajari console and set up redirects for our website and key domains.

The name may have changed, but the mission hasn’t. If you’re a customer, rest assured this will not impact your service and you don’t need to do anything. If you’re not a customer, you should be! If you're looking for a new challenge and want to be part of building a company with momentum and groundbreaking technology please consider applying for one of our open roles.

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