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How to Add Powerful On-Site Search to Your Shopify Store in Minutes

Jens Schumacher
April 21, 2021

Sajari is now on the Shopify App Store, making it easier than ever for Shopify customers to provide smarter search experiences and boost conversions through hyper-relevant e-commerce search. In this post, we show how easy it is to get it up and running on your Shopify store. 

For background, Sajari powers hundreds of millions of e-commerce searches a month, helping our customers to increase their revenue while providing a better experience to their users. As of now, we are making the same technology that boosted revenue by millions of dollars for companies such as Sennheiser, Jollyes, and (read the case study) available via the Shopify app marketplace.

Installing Sajari

Visit our Shopify App Store listing to install Sajari. Click the Add App button, then confirm on the next page. All done!

Sajari will index your store in seconds — you will literally be able to search your entire product catalog within a few seconds after clicking the install button! The best part about this is as soon as you edit or add additional products, they will be updated in your search results within around 10 seconds. 

You’ll be set up with a free 14-day trial. After your trial period, you will have a choice as to what plan you’d like to use. More on this — and a special offer! — below. 

Design your own search UI

Sajari features a super simple search interface builder with instant preview. In minutes you can create a custom search interface to match your brand and store design. 

Specify filter and sorting options, change the color scheme, or adjust the display of results to match the images in your store. 

The Sajari UI builder offers a simple drag and drop interface for designing Shopify search.

For a truly custom interface, you can also use our ReactJS SDK to make your search look like one in a million. We built our own vendor-independent React SDK from scratch to give customers greater control over styling, improved filtering, and a way to use hooks with their own content library. Learn more about it on our blog

Search features

Out of the box, Sajari features autocomplete and spelling correction, but you can tap into additional capabilities such as:

  • Filters and facets
  • Search overlay
  • Rules
  • Synonyms
  • Instant search with visual preview of your products
  • Additional language packs
  • Dynamic boosts 
  • Machine learning / Reinforcement learning and signal boosting
  • A/B testing
  • Natural language processing
  • Personalization

More technical users should be sure to check out our tutorial on Advanced E-commerce Search in 10 Steps

Improving search relevance

Sajari automatically improves search results and search relevance with machine learning. Actions such as search result clicks, add to cart, conversions, and purchases provide feedback to train the search algorithm. Over time, Sajari uses the data to automatically push better performing results higher in search ranking. 

You can also tweak results to improve relevance with a built-in relevance editor. You have the power to determine what attributes are most important for ranking results. 

For example, you may want to put extra weight on ranking for product title, page or product tags, category, URL, or user ratings. Or, so some combination of those things. You can test different settings and preview how your changes affect results.

Adjust rankings with easy-to-configure relevance settings.

Learn more about the Sajari Relevance settings

Special offer

If you have a Shopify store and want to test drive the most powerful search and discovery solution on the market, we have a great offer for you! Sign up on the Shopify App Marketplace by May 30 to get the Sajari Starter plan free for 6 months. We can also give you and your team a demo or answer any questions.

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