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Better Understand Your Users With Search Analytics, and Experience No-Code Query Testing

Alex Kennedy
April 20, 2020

At Sajari, we're dedicated to providing the most powerful search but making it as simple as possible. We’ve updated the Console to bring actionable search analytics to your fingertips, so you can start acting on search insights even quicker. Plus, we’ve improved our Preview screen, enabling you to spend more time testing different query optimizations without writing any code.


Our new Home section has been improved to make it easier for you to monitor your search. This allows you to quickly gain an understanding of your users’ search patterns, as the Home section displays your analytics from the past seven days.

This lets you quickly see how many searches your users made, your most popular queries, and the queries where you have a chance to improve relevance. And, easily monitor how your search relevance quality is tracking over time, by investigating click-through rate trends from the last week.

The new Home screen features your search analytics from the last week - so you can more easily understand how your search is performing.

Our customers said they were looking for easier insights into their search health. But, they didn't want to dive deep into their analytics dashboard to find them.

Now, you can log into the Console and understand your search analytics for the preceding week - from a single screen.

For example, you might notice a query volume spike on a particular day. Drill down into the Top Queries report to see what the query was that caused the spike, from the same screen.

Gain a snapshot overview of your users' search patterns, as soon as you log in to your Console.


The new Preview screen replaces the old Browse interface. Preview comes with extra features to easily test different search settings and strategies.

You now can use filters and query operations to test different search strategies without needing to make any changes to your live integration.

Use the advanced JSON editor to double check if results are ranking for a given query, or enter filter operations to test what results are being returned.

Use the JSON editor to test different query settings without the need to write any code. For example, you might have a query and were wondering if a certain result was being included in results. You can enter that query, and set the desired URL as a filter to see if that result is being returned.

Or, maybe you wanted to only see certain search results on different areas of your site. Some of our customers have a massive Collection that searches through their entire site, but only want certain results to be returned depending on which page the user is on.

For instance, your site might have a blog, but when a user searches from a blog post, only blog pages should be included in results. Test this strategy in Preview, by setting a filter to only return search results that contain 'blog' in the URL.


Simple but powerful search is what we aim to build at Sajari, which is why we decided to improve how our users access Sajari features in the Console.

Make sure you also check out our new Domains section, to easily index URLs using our Diagnose feature, or trigger reindexes of your entire Collection.

We have some more exciting product enhancements on the way, so make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter and follow Sajari on Twitter and Linkedin for all the latest news.

And we’re always looking to improve, so if you had a specific suggestion we would love to hear it!

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