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Meet the All-New Sajari UI

Jens Schumacher
August 18, 2020

Over the past few months, you have likely noticed minor changes to the Sajari UI. The improvements have been subtle each on their own, but combined they are adding up to a better, more consistent experience.

This experience was created on top of a library of new components, which we simply call Sajari UI. In the next couple of months, we will share more technical details about Sajari UI and why we built our own component library.

Today we are announcing the final step of our re-design, the new navigation experience.

New navigation experience

The new experience has been driven by customer feedback and aims to address a number of pain points:

  • Clearer separation of account and collection settings.
  • Reducing the number of clicks required to get to commonly used sections.
  • Better grouping of functionality in collections.

Search Settings

Search settings are now all grouped together, making it easier to add additional domains, create custom rules, or define synonyms.

Search Settings


As we add more and more analytics capabilities to help you better understand your customers' behavior, we dedicated an entire section to analytics.

Account Management

Settings related to your user and account are located in the top right corner. Giving you quick access to your usage, billing, or the documentation when needed.

Account Management

A strong foundation

All this work will lay a strong foundation for more capabilities to come over the next few months, starting with the new pipeline editor. The pipeline editor provides access to all of Sajari’s advanced search capabilities and is aimed at technical users. If you want to optimize your search experience and test out different configurations, the pipeline editor is the tool for you. The pipeline editor will become available in beta in the coming weeks.

Read our KB article for more details on the above experience and how to locate each navigation item.

Let us know what you think

We would love to hear your feedback. Join us in our new community under and let us know how you like the new user experience.

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