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Introducing Real-time Search Relevance Settings

Jens Schumacher
April 27, 2021

Adjust search relevance and preview real-time search results before pushing changes into production.

Customers choose Sajari to deliver a better on-site search results which increase conversions, lower support costs, and provide a better user experience. 

One of the ways Sajari improves search results is by using “signal boosting.” Signals are things like search result clicks, shopping cart activity, signups, conversions, purchases, etc. These signals provide feedback to train the search ranking algorithm and, over time, the data helps Sajari to automatically return results in the optimal order to maximize performance. 

You can also tweak the relevance scoring (a measure that helps search ranking) to adjust rankings with new real-time relevance settings. The relevance setting feature is a no-code solution for users to configure which attributes are most important for ranking results. It gives you greater control over determining how you want search results to rank. For e-commerce companies like ApartmentGuide, Jollyes, and Catch, these kinds of adjustments have resulted in millions of dollars in incremental revenue

For example, you may want to put extra weight on ranking for product title, page or product tags, category, URL, user ratings, or some combination of those things. With Sajari, you can test different settings and preview how your changes affect results.

If you've already experienced Sajari pipelines, this may sound familiar. That’s because the new relevance settings are the same thing — but in an easy-to-use UI for non-technical users. The new relevance settings puts the power of pipelines into the hands of everyone at your organization. The advanced pipelines functionality is still there for more technical users — now they’re under the Advanced tab shown at the top of the Relevance link. 

Types of relevance settings

As of now, there are two types of relevance settings: textual and ranking.

Textual relevance makes it possible for customers to put weights on different fields. For example, you may want to prioritize product or page title over other fields for site search ranking. Or, you may want to de-prioritize or even exclude certain results based on a relevance score.

Ranking adjustment settings let you adjust results based on your business outcomes to promote certain types of results higher in ranking. If you’re an electronics seller, you may want to boost certain brands or you may want items with more reviews to appear at the top of search results. 

By applying textual and feature relevance adjustments, you can influence how search results rank on your site. Each adjustment combines with one another to provide new results. You can preview results each step of the way before you put the relevance edits into production. 

Versioning and testing

The best search setting is the one that generates the best outcomes (sales, signups, conversions, etc.) for your business. While you can preview your search settings before they’re live to check that they’re working as expected, you can also A/B test different relevance settings in production to pick a winner. Every adjustment you save is versioned just in case you want to roll back to a previous iteration.

Next steps

The new relevance editor is available now. Log in to your account or sign-up for a free 14-day trial to see how you can improve search relevance on your site in minutes. 

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