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New Search Result Templates for Your Search UI

Jens Schumacher
September 22, 2021

Integrating a search interface on a website today is hard!  It often involves multiple teams, custom development and deployment. Our Search UI Designer was built to provide a simple and intuitive way to create great search interfaces and make them easy to integrate. Adding filters or changing colors can be done in just a few clicks.

However, changing the appearance of the actual search results was limited to style changes via CSS or required developers to build custom components, until now. Meet the new Search Result Templates. 

Beautiful, out of the box

Great looking search results templates, inspired by some of the world’s leading retailers, provide a great starting point to create a custom search experience. Choose from 4 different templates, each representing a unique style. 

Bring your ideas to life

The new template editor and live preview make it incredibly easy to create great looking search experiences to match your brand. See your design come to live as you type.

search result template designer

Fields at your fingertips

The built-in editor not only makes it incredibly easy to edit your designs, but it also puts all available fields and objects at your fingertips. Simply type two brackets “{{“  to open the inline autocomplete dialog to access available fields. Accessing titles, price, descriptions or even product states such as “out of stock”, “on sale” or “new arrivals” is not possible without the guesswork of getting the field names right. 

search result template editing

See just how easy it is in this brief video tutorial.

The new editor is lightyears ahead of anything else on the market today. For a full overview of available capabilities, take a look at the documentation. Give it a spin and create your own search experience for your website or e-commerce store in minutes instead of days.

Sign up for a free 14-day trial to see how easy it is, or contact us to schedule a demo.

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