Sajari is now! Learn about our new name and product announcement here.

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What's New

New: Exploring Your Search Data

We've made it even easier for you to monitor how your users interact with your data with improved search analytics.

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User Experience (ux)

How to Improve Site Search Results with Textual and Ranking Adjustments

User Experience (ux)

How to Improve Site Search Results with Textual and Ranking Adjustments

User Experience (ux)

How to Improve Site Search Results with Textual and Ranking Adjustments

User Experience (ux)

How to Improve Site Search Results with Textual and Ranking Adjustments

User Experience (ux)

How to Improve Site Search Results with Textual and Ranking Adjustments

User Experience (ux)

How to Improve Site Search Results with Textual and Ranking Adjustments

Replacing Google Custom Site Search (GSS)

An Engineering Year in Review: Kubernetes, gRPC, and More

Replacing Google Search Appliance

Upgrading Sajari to Go 1.5